Hilda Brooker told the story of the farmer, Sam Wisson and his cow.  He used to have a farmyard that was later occupied by Ted Smith & Sons.  Every day, after milking, the cow meandered up to Blacksmith's Close, which was then a meadow.  Later on each evening one of Mr Wisson's sons used to open the gate and let the cow wander back to her stall.  There were no cars in those days, only horses and carts and bicycles on the roads. 


One time there was an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the district and the movement of cattle was forbidden.  Sam Wisson ignored this and the cow still wandered from meadow to stall, so he was summoned before the Magistrate at Biggleswade court.


"You are charged with moving your cow on such and such a date and so breaking the law, Mr Wisson" said the Magistrate.  "What have you to say in your defence?" "I didn't move her your honour", says Sam, "My cow moves herself I've never moved her, somehow the gate got left open and she came home and she moved herself".  He was fined fifteen shillings, but the next day the story of the cow that moves herself was in all the paper: (Brooker p. )


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